
Encyclopedia of Foods and Their Healing Power

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by George D. Pamplona-Roger, M.D

Hardcover (Print)

A 3-volume modern and concise encyclopedia that presents the latest research on food science, nutrition, and dietetics.

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A modern and concise encyclopedia that presents the latest research on food science, nutrition, and dietetics.

  • Almost 700 foods from the 5 continents are described; around 300 recipes with the practical application, in the kitchen, of nutrition science.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of foods are studied in detail.
  • The composition and the preventive and healing value of foods and recipes are analyzed in depth.
  • The foods with the greatest healing power are grouped according to the organ, or part of the body, which they benefit the most.
  • Almost 150 diseases are studied along with foods whose consumption is advisable to increase or decrease in each case.
  • Many charts show how the foods affect our health and well-being.
  • All information based on the latest investigations of the main universities and research centers of Europe, America and other continents.

In the first two volumes of the Encyclopedia of Foods and their Healing Power, Dr. George Pamplona-Roger presents the latest scientific studies on the nutritional value of different foods along with their level of suitability for the body. The third volume gives careful instruction on food preparation and how to transition to a healthier lifestyle.

Encyclopedia of Foods and Their Healing Power, Volume 1 – The Science of Foods

An extensive overview with separate chapters for each type of food: fruits, nuts, cereals and grains, legumes, vegetables, oils, etc. Each chapter extensively describes the benefits and/or drawbacks of each food group, and gives a comprehensive list of foods and their sources, with a brief description of the particular benefit to the diet .A final section discusses the components of foods: energy (calories), proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, individual nutrients, fats (total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol), sodium, etc.

Encyclopedia of Foods and Their Healing Power, Volume 2 – The Healing Power of Foods

Lists over 700 beneficial foods. Divided into sections that deal with each part of the body and with specific ailments: foods for the eyes, nervous system, heart, blood, stomach, metabolic process, skin, cancer, etc. A very informative description of each food is given, along with charts so you can see its properties at a glance. Simple instructions are given for use and preparation of each food. Specific diseases are listed for which each food is beneficial.

Encyclopedia of Foods: Healthy Recipes, Volume 3 – The Healthy Kitchen and Recipes that Prevent and Heal

How to go from theory to practice?How to take advantage of the benefits described in the other two volumes that comprise this work?How to serve up healthy food that is accepted by all those sitting around the dining table? This third volume, with the same lay out as the rest of the work, will help us to introduce novel foods into our diet or healthy ways of preparing those familiar friends.

●A guide to food science.
●The most suitable foods for human beings.
●Nutritional value, advantages and drawdacks of each kind of food.
●Analysis of condiments, spices, nutritional supplements and beverages.
●A guide to diet therapy.
●Description of most suitable foods for every organ and system.
●Foods recommended and not recommended for the most common ailments.
●Counsels for a healthy kitchen.
●Table setting.
●Basic recipes.
●The art of preparing healthy dressings.
●Transitional recipes.
●Recipes for each body organ.
●Description of ingredients and nutrient content of every recipe in this work.

Product Details

  • ISBN-13: 9788472083455
  • Publisher: Editorial Safeliz, S. L.
  • Series: Education and Health Library Series
  • Edition description: 3 Volume Set
  • Pages: 1264
  • Product dimensions: 8.80 (w) x 11.20 (h) x 3.30 (d)

George D. Pamplona-Roger, M.D., is a doctor of medicine and surgery at the University of Granada in Spain. He is a board-certified general and digestive surgeon, and a specialist in health education, UNED University, Spain. He is a member of the International Union of Food Science and Technology, Ontario, Canada, and a fellow in the Royal Microscopical Society, Oxford, England. After practicing his specialty for 15 years, Dr. Pamplona-Roger now focuses on medical research and health education.

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