Seven Secrets Cookbook


by Neva and Jim Brackett

Seven Secrets Cookbook offers recipes using only plant foods or unrefined plant products that not only are delicious but will help you stay well and trim. Lose weight, lower cholesterol, reverse diabetes and enjoy delicious food at the same time.  Once you learn the seven secrets, you’ll be creating vegetarian meals so delicious that you’ll forget they are healthy.

Spiral bound, softcover.

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Seven Secrets Cookbook offers a new approach to food and includes the tools you need to prepare meals that will make your family happy and healthy. Included are more than 200 recipes or variations as well as efficiency tips, healthy substitutions that won’t sacrifice flavor, favorite recipes for children, menus for beginners, and lists, tips, and glossary to make shopping easy.

  • Loose Weight. Drop the extra pounds and keep them off – without starvation diets or expensive “weight loss” programs.
  • Lower Cholesterol. Increase overall health as you reduce bad cholesterol and lower the risk of coronary artery disease.
  • Reverse Diabetes. Recover from diabetes or significantly reverse the damage diabetes has caused.
  • Enjoy Delicious Food at the same time! It sounds too good to be true, but it is possible for food to improve your health and taste fantastic! Once you learn the seven secrets, you’ll be creating vegetarian meals so delicious that you’ll forget they’re healthy. Seven Secrets Cookbook offers a new approach to food and includes the tools you need to prepare meals that will make your family happy and healthy.
  • ISBN-13:978-0828019958
  • Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing (2006)
  • Pages: 124
  • Product dimensions: 10.8 x 8.4 x 0.5 inches