Healthy Plants


by George D. Pamplona-Roger, M.D
Hardcover (Print)
The DVD with practical treatments is included.

The Healthy Plants is based on rigorous botanical, pharmaceutical and chemical research. Nature has endowed medicinal plants with the strength and healing power that the human body needs. Medicinal plants are within our reach and many of us can benefit from by using these natural remedies correctly.

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Healthy Plants is a short version of Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Throughout the ages, plants have been used by humans as a source of food, cosmetics, medicines and have provided materials for the construction  of shelters and the manufacture of clothing. Plants have served as the basis of sophisticated traditional medicine systems for thousands of years in countries such as China and India. These plant- based systems continue to play an essential role in health care. It has been estimated by the World Health Organization that about 80% of the world’s inhabitants rely mainly on traditional medicines for their primary health care. Plant products also play an important role in the health care systems of the remaining 20 percent of the population who mainly reside in developed countries. The United States National Cancer Institute (NCI) has screened well over 100,000 plant extracts for anticancer activity and over 30,000 for anti-AIDS activity. Thus the medicinal value of plants is inestimable.

The Healing Power of Plants

  •  About 200 medicinal plants botanically described and classified according to the organ they act upon.
  • Properties, indications, preparation and use of each of the described plants.
  • Detailed botanical illustrations of each plant.
  • Botanical study on leaves, roots, stems and flowers.
  • How to prepare herbal teas, fomentations, poultices, baths and other methods of use of medicinal plants.
  • Recommended plants for almost a hundred diseases and ailments.


  • The vegetal world
  • Methods for preparing and using plants
  • Plants for each body system
  • Plants for each organ
  • Plants for the skin
  • Plants for the metabolism
  • Plants for infectious disease
  • Plants for other ailments

Product Details

  • ISBN-13: 9788472081208
  • Publisher: Editorial Safeliz, S. L.
  • Publication date: April 2008
  • Collection: New Lifestyle
  • Edition description:  Book with DVD
  • Pages: 384
  • Product dimensions:7 (w) x 10 (h) x 1 (d)

George D. Pamplona-Roger, M.D., is a doctor of medicine and surgery at the University of Granada in Spain. He is a board-certified general and digestive surgeon, and a specialist in health education, UNED University, Spain. He is a member of the International Union of Food Science and Technology, Ontario, Canada, and a fellow in the Royal Microscopical Society, Oxford, England. After practicing his specialty for 15 years, Dr. Pamplona-Roger now focuses on medical research and health education.

Salud por las Plantas Medicinales